
import until from './until'

* Run `task` repeatedly until `test` returns `false`.
* Calls next `.catch()` at the first error encountered.
* @name whilst
* @memberOf module:serial
* @static
* @method
* @param {Function} test - test function `(index: number) => Boolean`.
* If return value is `false` then promise gets resolved
* @param {Function} task - iterator function of type `(index: Number) => Promise`
* @return {Promise}
* @example
* let arr = []
* whilst(
*   (index) => (index < 4),
*   (index) => new Promise((resolve) => {
*     arr.push(index)
*     resolve(index)
*   })
* ).then((res) => {
*   //> res = 3
*   //> arr = [0, 1, 2, 3]
* })
export default function whilst (test, task) {
  return until((n) => (!test(n)), task)