
import parallelLimit from './parallelLimit'

* Run `tasks` returning Promises in parallel.
* Does not stop parallel execution on errors. *All tasks get executed.*
* `then()` gets called after the longest running task finishes.
* If bail-out on first error is desired, consider `Promise.all()` as an alternative,
* or set `{bail: true}` as option.
* @name parallel
* @memberOf module:parallel
* @static
* @method
* @param {Array<Function>} tasks - Array of functions of type `() => Promise`
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Number} [options.timeout] - timeout in ms which throwing `AsynccError` in case that `tasks` are still running
* @param {Boolean} [options.bail] - bail-out on first error
* @return {Promise} on resolve `.then(results: Array<any> => {})` and
* on reject `.catch(error: AsynccError => {})` where `error` is the first thrown
* error containing the properties:
* - `errors: Array<Error>` list of errors
* - `errpos: Array<Number>` gives the positions of errors in order as they occur.
* - `results: Array<Any>` returns the successfull results or undefined
* @example <caption>without errors</caption>
* parallel([
*   () => Promise.resolve(1),
*   () => Promise.resolve(3),
*   () => Promise.resolve(5)
* ]).then((results) => {
*   console.log(results)
*   //> [1, 3, 5]
* })
* @example <caption>with errors and timeout = 100ms</caption>
* parallel([
*   () => Promise.reject(new Error(1)),
*   () => Promise.resolve(3),
*   () => Promise.reject(new Error(5))
* ], {timeout: 100}).then((result) => { // won't reach here
* }).catch((err) => {
*   console.log(err)
*   //> { AsynccError:
*   //>   errors: [Error: 1, null, Error: 5],
*   //>   errpos: [0, 2],
*   //>   results: [undefined, 3, undefined]
*   //> }
* })
export default function parallel (tasks, opts) {
  return parallelLimit(0, tasks, opts)